Le Quy Tong

Le Quy Tong was born in Hanoi in 1977 in an artist family. He graduated from Hanoi Fine Art University, currently lives and works in this city. Quy Tong is known for his oil paintings of landscape, figure or scenario with limited colors yet in multiple layers. In the early days, Quy Tong started to paint landmarks of Hanoi such as Long Bien Bridge, Chuong Duong Bridge, Central Post Office… or Vietnam War allegories like military airplanes and tanks. In the last several years, Quy Tong has been working on themes, which are explicitly related to Vietnamese history or implicate struggles, fights, protests, negotiations and escapes for liberation and freedom in separate places, from Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, Warsaw to Heiligendamm. The paintings connect incident of one place in a certain period of time to a different time and locale context that ambiguously outline the interrelation of world history and raise the question of human’s perpetual conflicts and revolutions.

